Benjamin Lionel Rowley Blog

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Friday, October 3, 2014

Community Inclusion at it best

This was event that I was involved with in Lethbridge that showcased people with disabilities in the community!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

3 year old Boner

I love this video it is funny to see a 3 year old who got and a bow and arrow call it a boner!! U can't go wrong with how Shay Carl reacts to his kid and how his wife act!!! If you want to see more funny videos go subscribe to the Shaytards or Shay Carl 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - London Cast - Pure Imagination

I just found out that they turn one of my favourite books from when I was a kid into a musical Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!!!! Plus they took one of my favourite songs from original movie and made it better!!!! If you want to see it you will have to go to London and go the west end!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Conan Visits The American Girl Store

I challenge you not to laugh when you watch this video!!!! 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Morgan Freeman GPS commercial

I love Josh Robert Thompson when he does his Morgan Freeman impersonation!!!! 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

This video will make you cry!!!!!

98.5 Virgin Radio in Calgary has the Christmas spirit as you see in this video!!! Make sure u have a box of Kleenex when u watch it cause u will cry!!!